Assuring compassionate health care for global well being
Healthcare organizations are expanding every day to combat this stressful pandemic situation. They are remaining active not just put an end card to this current crisis but also to work efficiently in patient safety and health.
Urge for tele health services.
Besides pandemic panic, lockdown and curfew has added more fear among people. Also it is the essential duty for all healthcare providers to serve people despite this chaos. Tele health care is the best tool to resolve this issue.
A proper digital platform to meet patients virtually, thereby serving the health needs of every individual is vital. A proper resource to provide access to patients and health care workers, in fixing appointments, consultation, follow ups, and tracing of any medical test reports is a prerequisite.
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Urge for tele health services.
With community lockdowns and physical distancing requirements in place, Healthcare providers need to provide patient screenings online or via video conference.
This dramatic shift requires additional resources to provide pre-screening, appointment scheduling, and patient follow up including delivering test results and conducting contact tracing. Virtual oversight and management of the full patient journey has become a public health necessity.