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Most marketers are experimenting with AI but feelings are mixed, survey says

According to a benchmark survey by The Conference Board and Ragan Communications,

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Dive Brief
Nearly nine out of ten marketers (87%) and communications professionals (85%) have used or experimented with AI tools for at least one application

Among the most popular uses of AI among marketers are summarization (44%), research (41%), personalization (33%), speeding up production (30%), content (30%), and customer service (17%). However, over 45% believe AI will enhance the quality and inventiveness of their job, while only 30% anticipate the opposite. Similarly, marketers have mixed sentiments about the emerging technology, with 40% of respondents believing AI will cause job availability to diminish and 22% expecting negative effects on team culture.

Dive Insight:

As the field of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow, experts in marketing and communications are experimenting with it. A poll of 287 people titled “AI in Marketing & Communications: Boosting Productivity—and Creativity, Too?” found that, despite worries about the technology’s potential impact on numerous elements of work, AI is continuing to gain popularity in the field.

Ivan Pollard, head of The Conference Board’s Marketing and Communications Center, said, “There is no doubt that new AI applications will transform the workflow in all areas of marketing and corporate communications disciplines.” We need to welcome technology with open arms, see the benefits, and zero in on the areas where machine power complements human ingenuity. We’re in an extremely innovative field, and we’re going to keep pushing forward thanks to the wisdom and excitement we’ve gained along the way.

Sixty percent or more of communicators and 68% of marketers say they use AI in their everyday jobs, with 82% believing that widespread adoption will increase efficiency. The economic and educational benefits of the technology are praised as well.

According to the report, the majority of AI adoption is coming from marketers with intermediate and lower levels of experience, giving them the greatest influence over how AI is used within their companies. But top-level marketers are more confident about the future of innovation, productivity, and creativity.

More than 40% of marketers anticipate this technology to boost work quality and creativity, while over 30% anticipate it will have the opposite effect. Concerns about misinformation, inaccuracy, and legal difficulties have emerged alongside AI’s rapid rise, and marketers are worried about the impact on jobs and team culture.
According to the report’s author, Denise Dalhoff, a senior researcher of consumer research at The Conference Board, “for marketers and communicators, a critical question has been AI’s impact on creativity and quality of work.” We found evidence to support the idea that things are looking up. Synergy and an increase in general creativity may result if AI is employed to stimulate and supplement human ideas rather than replace them.



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